Summer and Winter Programmes

Between mid-September and April we meet at The Scout Hall, Corfe Mullen, where space and facilities allow for up to 70 members. Members meet on a Tuesday, some Thursdays and occasional Saturdays. We have weekly portrait and still life sessions, great for keeping up our drawing and painting skills, whilst some members engage in their own projects.

Throughout the year there are tutor-led workshops and demonstrations including life drawing classes. Also, we have exploratory art sessions where new techniques are introduced.

During the Summer months members focus on outdoor painting and drawing at different locations within a reasonable travelling distance from Broadstone. These may be in the country, a village or town, or sometimes a garden.

There is at least one Exhibition each year at a venue in or near Broadstone. All members are invited to contribute by way of framed or unframed paintings, 3D work, and cards.

View our 2024 Summer Programme and our 2025 Spring Programme.